| Silent Gliss Launch Autoglide 510016 November 2016 Silent Gliss 5100 Autoglide Electric Track - New LaunchSilent Gliss Autoglide 5100 - New 2016Silent Gliss launch new cost effective electric track system 5100 Autogilde to replace the 5090 Autogilde system. Control your curtains at the touch of a button, combining a touch of luxury with an excellent deterrent to intruders. The Silent Gliss 5100 looks after your curtains and your home. Wave Curtain HeadingAs well has traditional curtain heading such as pencil, pinch pleat, the Silent Gliss 5100 Autoglide is compatible with the contemporary wave curtain heading system which allows the curtain to hang is continuous wave. Smooth simple and elegant. Touch & GoIntuitive and easy operation - by pulling the fabric the curtain moves automatically to the end position. On top of that the integrated manual override allows you to operate the curtain should the power fail. Technical OptionsAutoglide 5100 is available in four system options, all with a maximum track width of 5m carrying curtains up to 25kg. Easy plug and play installation, smooth operation and suitable for bay and curved windows. Autoglide 5100B - Wall SwitchBase system offer operation via a fixed single wireless wall switch. Simple operation at the touch of a button. Autoglide 5100R - Remote Control In addition to the wireless wall switch the 5100R is supplied with a remote control handset. Autoglide 5100T - Timer UnitThis option is supplied with a wireless wall switch and a timer unit which allows pre-programmed opening and closing times. Autoglide 5100TC - Total ControlThe total control option includes a wall switch in combination with the remote and timer - giving you the ultimate choice of control methods over your system. .
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